Welcome to the Intelligent Seas Group Training Portal
Our Updating Courses
Proficiency in Advanced Fire ...
Proficiency in Fast Rescue Bo...
Proficiency in Fire Preventio...
Proficiency in Personal Survi...
Proficiency in Survival Craft...
Our Maritime Courses
Direct Service to Passengers
International Maritime Danger...
Personal Safety and Social Re...
Our Health and Safety Courses
Introduction to Incident Inve...
Our Safety Awareness Courses
Electrical Safety Awareness
Entry into Enclosed Spaces
Hazard Identification and Awa...
Our Wellbeing Courses
Bullying and Harassment Preve...
Mental Health and Wellbeing a...
Prevention of Drug and Alcoho...
Sexual Assault and Sexual Har...
Our Galley Safety Courses
The Galley: Food Handling
The Galley: Personal and Food...
The Galley: Safety Awareness
Our Security Courses
Anti-bribery and Corruption
Designated Security Duties
Our Survival Courses
Crisis Management and Human B...
Polar Code and Polar Survival
Training In Emergency Situati...