Awareness Courses

Elementary First Aid

Welcome to our Elementary First Aid elearning course. The aim of this course is to give all persons intending to go to sea the education and training in elementary first aid to meet the Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency requirements set out in Table A-VI/I-3 of the STCW code, the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping.

The course’s function is to train all candidates in Elementary First Aid to a competence that they can take immediate action upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency.

Learning outcomes are shown below:

Module 1 Standard Ref Outcome 1: The learner understands what to do in case of an accident or medical emergency on board
LO1 1.1 Identify types of accidents and emergencies on board that may require first aid to be administered and the types of casualties that may arise
LO2 1.2 Describe methods of raising the alarm and how the manner and timing would relate to different degrees of accident or emergency
LO3 1.3 Identify the immediate measures to be taken when accidents or medical emergencies occur
LO4 1.4 Prioritise actions required when providing first aid
LO5 1.5 Outline the importance of minimising risk of further harm to self and casualty

Module 2 Outcome 2: The learner is able to apply elementary first aid techniques
LO6 2.1 Describe body structure and functions relating to elementary first aid

Module 3
LO7 2.2 Identify emergency first aid equipment and demonstrate its use, including improvisation of bandages

Module 4
LO8 2.3 Demonstrate maintenance or airway, breathing and circulation in a casualty requiring resuscitation and an unconscious or choking casualty

Module 5
LO9 2.4 Describe cause and recognition of shock and demonstrate its management

Module 6
LO10 2.5 Describe types of bleeding and demonstrate their control and management

Module 7
LO11 2.6 Describe cause and recognition of burns, scalds and accidents caused by electric current and demonstrate their management

Module 8
LO12 2.7 Demonstrate the correct positioning of a casualty according to the injury

Module 9
LO13 2.8 Identify casualty rescue and transportation techniques
  • Module 1 - Elementary First Aid
  • Module 2 - Bodily Functions
  • Module 3 - First Aid Kits and Equipment
  • Module 4 - Collapse and Choking
  • Module 5 - Shock
  • Module 6 - Bleeding and Blood Loss
  • Module 7 - Burns
  • Module 8 - Casualty Positioning
  • Module 9 - Moving a Casualty
  • Feedback Form
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever