Awareness Courses

Introduction to Incident Investigation

Welcome to our Introduction to Incident Investigation elearning course where you will learn about the importance of incident investigations and how they are carried out.

Learning outcomes are shown below:

Module 1
LO1 Outline the importance of investigating accidents, incidents and near-misses
LO2 Identify who should investigate and who should be part of this team
LO3 Identify the relationship between cause and effect
LO4 Describe how to establish the root causes of accidents and incidents

Module 2
LO5 Describe how to set up and conduct an investigation
LO6 List the methods for collecting evidence for an investigation
LO7 Describe the structure of typical investigation reports
LO8 Explain the role of shipboard personnel in external incident investigations
LO9 Identify the types of controls which can be put in place to prevent accidents
  • Introduction to Incident Investigation
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Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever