Awareness Courses

Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity for Ro-Ro Passenger Ships _Senior Officers

Welcome to our Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training for RO-RO Passenger Ships elearning course where you will learn how to:

• organise the safe movement of vehicles and passengers when embarking and disembarking
• control all elements of cargo safety and hull integrity
• monitor and control atmosphere in ro-ro cargo spaces
• organise shipboard emergency procedures
• control response to emergencies
• control passengers and other personnel during emergency situations

Learning outcomes are shown below.

11. Identify the shipboard sources of information regarding the requirements for the safe carriage of dangerous goods.
12. Describe the special safeguards, procedures and requirements covering the carriage of dangerous goods.
13. Identify the shipboard sources of information regarding the requirements for securing cargoes.
14. Describe the provisions of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units.
15. Identify the limitations of cargo storing equipment and materials.
16. Use cargo securing equipment and materials properly and safely.
17. Identify the shipboard sources of stability, stress and permissible deck load information.
18. Calculate stability and trim for a range of conditions of loading, using stability calculator or available computer programmes.
19. Calculate load factors for decks.
20. Calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress.
  • Passenger Safety for Ro-Ro Passenger Ships (ROPAX)-Senior Officers-Part 1
  • Passenger Safety for Ro-Ro Passenger Ships (ROPAX)-Senior Officers-Part 2
  • survey_1721135154
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever