HSE Courses

Permit to Work Awareness

Welcome to our Permit to Work Awareness elearning course, where you will learn why permits to work are required, what different types of permits are used in the maritime industry, and what types of work are likely to require permits.

Learning outcomes are shown below:

Module 1
LO1 Describe the purpose of a permit to work system
LO2 Identify who is involved in the permit to work process
LO3 Explain the principles of a permit to work system
LO4 Describe the stages of the permit to work process

Module 2
LO5 Identify different types of permits
LO6 Describe what is meant by a sanction to test
LO7 Identify which types of work are likely to require a permit to work
  • Permit to Work Awareness
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Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever